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სარწყავი სისტემა

ეს სისტემა ასხურებს წყალს დიდ ფართობზე, ახდენს ბუნებრივი წვიმის სიმულაციას. ეს სისტემა ეფექტურია დიდი მინდვრების ან არათანაბარი რელიეფის დასაფარად.

The first step in creating an effective irrigation system is the right design
This includes the joint work of agronomists and hydro engineers,
to take into account factors such as soil type, climate and plant needs and should be designed so that
to ensure equal distribution of water over the area.


The materials used in the irrigation system are also critical to its success. High-quality pipes, valves, pumps, and other components are essential to ensure that water is delivered efficiently and reliably. Using inferior materials can result in leaks, clogs, and other problems that can damage crops and reduce yield. Correct Installation:
Valves, pumps and other components are efficient and reliable
to ensure water supply. Using poor quality materials
It can cause leaks, blockages and other problems that cost money
It causes a sharp decrease in growth and yield.


Proper installation of the irrigation system is another critical step. The system should be installed by trained professionals who have experience in irrigation system installation. They should follow the project design closely, ensuring that pipes are properly connected, valves are installed correctly, and all other components are positioned and secured as needed.
Take into account all the details specified in the project and make sure that the pipes are connected correctly, the valves are correctly
installed and all other components are located and
secured as required.


Finally, correct operation of the irrigation system is essential to ensure that it functions as intended. This involves regularly monitoring the system to ensure that it is delivering water uniformly and efficiently, making adjustments as needed to ensure that plants receive the right amount of water at the right times. Proper operation can help to reduce water waste, improve crop yield, and extend the lifespan of the irrigation system.
Monitor to make sure it is watering evenly and efficiently
Provides the plant with the right amount of water at the right time. proper maintenance
It will help you reduce water consumption and increase yield.

სარწყავი სისტემა

This type of system delivers water directly to the base of each plant through small tubes or emitters, minimizing water waste and ensuring that plants receive the right amount of water.


This system uses a large, rotating arm to distribute water over a circular area. It is often used in large fields or crops like corn or wheat.


This system sprays water over a wide area, mimicking natural rainfall. It is useful for covering large fields or areas with uneven terrain.


This system sprays water over a wide area, mimicking natural rainfall. It is useful for covering large fields or areas with uneven terrain.

სარწყავი სისტემა

ამ ტიპის სისტემა გამოიყენება როგორც ბოსტნეული კულტურებისათვის, ასევე მრავალწლიანი ხეხილოვანი კულტურებისათვის. ეს სისტემა აწვდის წყალს თითოეულ მცენარეს ძირში მილების ან ემიტერების მეშვეობით, რაც ამცირებს წყლის ხარჯვას და უზრუნველყოფს მცენარეებს საჭირო რაოდენობის წყლის მიღებას.

This system uses a large, rotating arm to distribute water over a circular area. It is often used in large fields or crops like corn or wheat.

დამაწვიმებელი სარწყავი სისტემა, რომელიც გამოიყენება მარცვლეული და ბოსტნეული კულტურებისათვის. მისი გადაადგილება და გამოყენება შესაძლებელია სხვადასხვა მეურნეობაში.
